Using the Advanced Bundle Search
In this video we cover the advanced search for bundles, and how to use it to filter the results to more easily find what you are looking for. We specifically cover the Location, Availability, Product, Vertical and Language filters.
In addition to the basic search we looked at a moment ago, there is also an advanced search we can click on here. Advanced search and basic search are really the same thing, and generally return the same results, but with the advanced search you get a few more filtering options.
We still have the keywords field which works exactly the same as it did on the basic search. If all we fill out is a keyword and leave all the other fields blank then we get the same results using either form.
To understand the location filter, you need to understand where bundles can be stored. NetSuite, the company, maintains a bundle repository that bundles can be copied to, and this is one of the places they can be stored. Bundles can also be stored in the account in which they were created, this can be a Sandbox or Production account. The location drop down allows you to filter and show bundles based on where they are stored. All Production is the default, and returns bundles from production accounts and the repository that have been shared with you or that are public. Selecting Repository filters results so that you only see bundles the developer has copied to the bundle repository. Deciding to copy a bundle to the repository is something the developer does when they create the bundle.
For location, we also have the Production and Sandbox account selection. When selected both of these reveal an extra field; this Account ID here. This is the account ID the bundle was copied from or is stored in, and it must be filled in to perform a search. These two locations, Production and Sandbox, are commonly used when you’re going to move a bundle from one type of account to another. They’re also commonly used when working with consultants who develop software for your NetSuite system but do the development in an account they own.
Availability lets you choose if you want to see All, Public, Shared or Private bundles. We talked about the difference between the choices in an earlier video. You will most likely choose all here, but if you were looking for a bundle shared with you specifically, you would probably choose shared. Likewise, if you were looking for a bundle that you created, in a different environment perhaps, you might choose private.
The product drop down lets you choose bundles based on what edition of NetSuite they are targeted for. The developer determines the targeting, and sometimes a bundle that is targeted to one edition will work on others. This is very bundle specific, and depends on what the bundle requires to run. I usually leave this set to all.
Vertical allows you to look at products that are targeted toward specific industries, and it is another field that the developer has to fill out for it to be of any use. Unfortunately, most developers don’t fill this information out when creating their bundles. As an example, the Last Sales Activity bundle, which is NetSuite’s most popular bundle by far, doesn’t show up in any of the verticals. I don’t find this field all that useful so I usually leave this set to all as well, but maybe you will find it useful.
Language allows you to filter based on the languages a bundle supports. I have not really used this since I am in the United States and everything seems to have English as a default, but I have heard it works okay, so you might want to give it a try if you use multiple languages, or a language other than English.
Now that you are familiar with finding a bundle we can move on to the actual install and we will do that next.