Form Creation

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So we’re picking up this video right where we left off in the last one, and the first thing we need to do, to get started with customizing this form, is go up to Customization, choose Forms, and then click on Entry Forms. Now there are other forms we could customize, and we will look at those in a later video. So under customization, we also have the option to customize transaction forms, as well as address, and sublists, and some other things. But right now we’re going to focus on entry forms, and in this case entity entry forms. So this is a list, just like any other list in NetSuite, and just like any of those other lists, we can sort it by these headers. So right now this is sorted by subtype, but we could also come over here, and sort it by name, and now these are listed in alphabetical order. I’m going to go ahead and switch this back to subtype. We have some options over here to export the list as a CSV file, or Excel file, or to print the list, and we might want to do that if we wanted to keep track of how our forms looked or what forms were in our system as of a specific time. So we have a preferred form checkbox over here, and the preferred form is also referred to as the default form sometimes, and essentially this is the form that NetSuite uses when there's no other form specified in the form selection hierarchy. So for our customer right now, the standard customer form is the preferred form, now I could switch it to the standard pop-up customer form and you’ll see the checkbox moves, and if I wanted to save these changes I’d come up here and click submit. But I actually don't want to so I’m going to go ahead and change this back. Now you also might notice that if I try to uncheck this, I can't actually uncheck it, and that's because we actually need a preferred form. So there's actually a few ways, were you could get to a situation where there’s actually not preferred form checked. For example, if we had a custom form, and it was selected as the preferred form, and I went in and deleted it, there would no longer be a form that has the preferred checkbox selected. Or another situation, we could inactivate the preferred form, in which case we wouldn't have an active preferred form selected. But this doesn’t actually tend to be a problem, because the form hierarchy specifies that, if there isn't anything else that’s selected its going to use the standard, out-of-the-box, form anyway. So even if we had a situation where we didn't have the preferred checkbox checked for one of these, what would happen is that NetSuite would use the form that’s delivered out-of-the-box, and in this case that would be the standard customer one here. So right now all of the forms that we can see on our screen are active, but we do have this show inactives checkbox selected. If I scroll down we’ll actually see that we have one, this Z-Manufactured Item form, that is inactive. So I can uncheck show inactives, and this will refresh, and now when we scroll down, we no longer have that form. We can also see that reflected the total up here, so this is listed as 51 right now, when I check show inactives, it becomes 52, because of that extra form. One more thing that I want to show you guys, is that if we come down and take a look, we’ll notice that customize is what's listed under this edit menu, for most these it says customize, but for this one it says edit. Now, this doesn't have anything to do with it being marked as inactive. What it actually has to do with is that these that say customize, are the forms that are delivered with NetSuite out-of-the-box, whereas any that say edit by them are forms that were created at some point by somebody in your organization, or through a bundle, or through another method. We can actually see that if we go ahead and customize this one, and edit this one. So I’m going to hold down control, and I’ll click customize which will open this in a new tab, and we’ll also click edit next to this Z-Manufactured Item, which will open it in a new tab. So remember, the first one we clicked was called standard group item form, and the second one is called Z-Manufactured Item. So if I come over here, to the first tab, we can see this is actually now called custom group item form, as opposed to standard group item. Whereas, if we come over to the second tab that we opened, this is called Z-Manufactured Item, just as it was before. Now the reason this is important, is that if we make changes here, and save them, we would be overwriting the Z-Manufactured Item form that we already had, and that may, or may not, be what we want to do. However, with the other forms that are delivered standard out-of-the-box with NetSuite, so this standard or custom group item form, if we click save what we’re actually going to do, is create a new copy of this form, and in this case it’ll be called custom group item form. So do you see that difference? I’ll go ahead and close these two tabs now, because we don't actually need them, and for the rest this chapter, we’re actually going to be working on a customer form, so let's go ahead and create that. So if I scroll up, I’m going to create it from the standard customer form. So I can click customize here, and you'll notice now, instead of saying standard customer form, this says custom customer form. I’m going to actually call it Test Customer, because I think that's more descriptive of what we’re actually doing in this lesson. I’m also going to give it an ID of _test_customer_form, and this is actually all that we need to do to save this. So I’m going to come up here, and choose Save from my drop-down list, and this drops us right back at our custom entry forms screen, that we were on a moment ago, and if we take a look, we see our Test Customer Form right down here.
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