We’ve already seen a little bit about how to use Drag and Drop. And the whole point of this bundle is that it’s super simple to use. However there are some, more complex things we can do with it, and we’ll take a look at those in this video.
So we’re back here at the home screen. Let’s go ahead and open up another customer. We’ll choose our St. Francis Yacht Club this time. When this comes up the first thing that we notice is the File Drag and Drop tutorial. We could close this if we wanted to, and if we really didn’t want this to come up again we can click, Don’t show this message again. This tutorial is actually pretty good though, and I encourage you to take a look through it. We’ll briefly click through the screens, and you can see this provides a lot of useful information. In fact, for most people this tutorial is probably all that you need to get started.
Now that were done with the tutorial let’s take a look at Drag and Drop in action. We can drag-and-drop a single file, I’ll move this cover letter, from our file explorer onto the drop zone. Just like that it’s uploaded. But you’re not limited to one at a time. If I come back over to the explorer, I can pick all of the other documents. I can drag these as a group, onto the drop zone as well. The drop zone now shows us a status, and if we click on it we get more details, such as the files that are being uploaded right now. We can click anywhere outside the status window to close it.
If we try to attach one or more files, that are already attached, we get a duplicate warning message. Whether the system thinks they are duplicates, or not, is dependent on the filenames. So if you had two files, and both of them were named letter.doc, the system would think that they were duplicates. This is true even if their contents are different. I’ll go ahead and click no here, because I don’t actually need to upload these a second time.
If we click inside the drop zone, while there are no uploads going on, we get a pop-up with a few options. The most important option is Change. We can click this, and we get a choose target folder pop up. Here we can change the folder where documents will be placed. This way, if we needed to upload some documents, but wanted them to go to a different location, we could make that happen. If we did make a change, it would only take effect for as long as we were in this record. If we left and went to another record, or left and came back to this same record, new documents would once again upload to their default folder. This change is also only for us. So if there were somebody else in this record right now, and they uploaded a document, it would also go to the default folder. I’ll go ahead and close this pop-up now though.
There were a few other options when we clicked in the drop zone. If we clicked the Open in new tab link, the file cabinet would open in a new tab, with the folder for this customer open. I’m not going to do that right now, but you can try that on your own. Rate Us, allows you to provide feedback to NetSuite, letting them know what you think of this software. Tutorial, launches the same tutorial we saw when we first opened this customer.
When I was clicking on the drop zone before, I was clicking on the mostly blank area. This area here. But if I click directly on the folder, we’re taken to the record’s, files tab. Because I’m using the standard form, this is located under Communication, and it’s easy to find. But if you were using a custom form, this functionality could be very helpful. Especially since the files subtab might be in a different place, depending on your setup. This only works when there are files attached. And you can tell there are files attached because the folder has a star on it.
So let’s go ahead and click over to our next record. When we were attaching files to the St. Francis Yacht Club, we were in view mode. We can also be in edit mode, and this will still work the same. Obviously in view mode we didn’t have to save the record, since that’s something you can’t really do anyway. If we attach files in edit mode though, we don’t need to save the record either. At least for the attached documents to stay attached.
I’ll go ahead and attach a few of these same documents to this Estée Lauder customer. So these are obviously duplicates of the other ones we attached to the last record. However because they’re being attached to a new record, the system doesn’t see them as duplicates. This is because they go into their own folder.
We can also attach files to line items on transactions. Let’s open up a list of our sales orders. And I’ll pick this first one here for the Colorado Rockies. We do need to be in edit mode for this to work. Now that this is loaded let’s go ahead and scroll down to our line items. We’ll take a look at attaching some files, and I’ll drag this out of the way so we can see a little better. So all we have to do is grab our file, and drag it, and drop it, directly on the line item. You’ll see this green bar letting you know that the file will be attached. If you accidentally let go of it somewhere other than the line item, or the drop zone, your browser may open the file automatically. But if we drop it in the right place, we’ll see this black line showing the upload progress. If we scroll up to the top, we can also see the progress of the upload showing up in the drop zone. If your monitor is large enough you may have this all on one screen, but my resolution is set pretty low here. If we want to see that this is actually attached, we can again click on this star, and we’re taken to the files subtab. And we can see it right here.
The last thing I want us to take a look at is the Drag and Drop File cabinet. We get there by going to Documents, then Drag and Drop Files, then clicking File Cabinet. In addition to the regular file cabinet, we have this new one. It actually operates almost identically to the regular one. The only real difference is that we again have a drop zone. When you drag-and-drop files here, they’ll go into whatever folder you’re currently in. So if we wanted to put a document in the customers folder, we could navigate to Drag and Drop Files, then Customers. We can put it directly in here, or we could pick a specific customer. Which we would do based on the customer ID. Even if we picked a customer though, the file wouldn’t automatically be attached to the customer record.
So this is pretty much it for the basics of using File Drag and Drop. It’s a simple bundle, that has the potential to save a lot of time.