Field Groups, Subtabs and Sublists

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So we’re picking up here where we left off in last video, and we still have our form customizer up, as well as our customer in another browser tab, and if you need to get back here, you can come to customization, forms, click on entry forms, and then go ahead and select the form you’d like customize. So the first thing that I want to talk about in this video is what’s under the subtab fields group here, and in last video we kind of left off talking about field groups. Field groups are what's listed underneath here, under field group, and they’re a way to group data together that makes logical sense inside the system. So if we come back to the field groups tab, we see we have field groups for primary information, email phone address, and classification, but we can add another field group here pretty easily. So we can just call this Another Field Group, and choose add, and I’ll go ahead and choose save and edit to this, and now if we come back to fields, we’ll have an option to put things under Another Field Group, if we decide we want to do that. Now if I choose this for custom form, it's actually going to jump down to the very bottom, so we can scroll down, and we'll see this at the very bottom. So right now Another Field Group shows at the bottom, but we can actually drag it up to the top if we want to or move it down somewhere in the middle, and we can use these dominoes like I just did, or we can use the move up, or move down, or move to top, or move to bottom selections here. In addition to adding a row at the bottom, we can also choose to select one of these field groups and we can insert a new field group above it by clicking insert. I’m going to go ahead and click cancel, because I don't want to create another field group though. If we don’t like what the field groups are called, it’s pretty simple to go ahead and click on them, and change the name, and there’s really no downside to changing the name here, it really only applies to this form. So unlike changing field names, I recommend changing this to whatever makes sense for your business. One of the more interesting things we can do is show or hide field groups, so I’m going to first move Another Field Group down towards the bottom, and we can do something like uncheck show, next to email phone and address. So I’m going to go ahead and click that, and you’ll notice it kind of jumped over here the left, as I was clicking, and we’ll go ahead and choose save and edit to this, which will save the record. Now if we come back over to our customer form, and I’m going to go ahead and reload this, so we see the changes, what we notice is that everything underneath email phone and address has actually been removed. And so we don't see any of that data at this point, and that's because we hid the entire field group. On our form customizer, if we come back to field groups, we can choose to show this again, I’ll go ahead and do that now. We could also choose to not show the field group title, and not showing the field group title would actually still show the field group, but the title itself would not show. So these would still be grouped together logically however the title would not show up on the form. Now there are some really good reasons you could actually do this, especially if you had scripts that ran against field groups, or if you had custom CSS that modified the way field groups looked you might do this to not show the title but still have the fields logically grouped. Another thing that we can do is show everything in a field group in a single column, so I’ll go ahead and check this for primary information, and we’ll click okay to it. I’m going to go ahead and save this, and we’ll come back over to our customer, and if we refresh this form, we can see how this has changed. Now the first thing we notice is that everything in primary information is in a single column. If you notice the stuff down here doesn’t look like it's in a single column, but this is actually part of the email phone address section it’s just that the title bar for it isn't showing. So classification, this is the title bar, there's actually a title for this, but again we’re just not showing it right now. So back on the custom entry form and back to field groups, now every time you do save it, it’s going to drop you back to whatever the first tab is here, and usually that’s subtabs. We can also delete a field group if we decided that we no longer needed it. So maybe this Another Field Group, I really realized that I didn’t want that, I could simply click that X and delete that. In addition to field groups we also have the subtabs item, and this controls what subtabs are shown on our customer form, as well as the order that there shown in. So we can see here that it starts with Relationships, Communication, Address and Sales and if we come over to our customer, and scroll down just a bit we can see Relationships, Communication, Address and Sales. So basically this goes left to right, the same as this goes top to bottom. If we don't want to show one, we can simply uncheck it, and it will go away so I’ll go ahead and uncheck that for marketing, or we can move these around as we need using the dominoes, or we could use our buttons to move them as well. Now one of the reasons you might move or rename these subtabs has to do with making your forms more closely match your business processes and workflows. So let me go ahead and save this, and we’ll take a look at how it looks. Now remember, we've moved sales to be directly below relationships and we’ve selected that we’re no longer going to show the marketing subtab. So after this is saved we can come back over to our customer, and refresh, and now when we scroll down to the bottom we see sales is just to the right of relationships, and the marketing subtab is nowhere to be found. Let’s come back over to our form customizer again. Now if you want to have more subtabs than what's listed here, you actually can come up to Customization, Forms and then Subtabs over here. So I’m going to go ahead and right-click this, and choose to open the link in a new tab. And coming over here to custom subtabs, and when you create subtabs you’ll need to pick what types of forms they’re going to apply to. So it starts off with transaction forms, we’re actually working on an entity form, which is the customer record. So I’m going to go ahead and click on entity, and we’ll call this Basic Information, and we’ll add the subtab and click save. We’re dropped back to setup manager, I’m going to go ahead and close this because we don't need it. Now what I’m going to do is reload this form so that we can see the subtab otherwise we don't see it down here yet. So under subtabs, you see now we have this basic information subtab. So one of the things I can do, and this is actually quite common, is I’m going to move basic information up here to the very top. So the next thing I’m going to do is go ahead and save this form. Then what I can do is I can move elements between subtabs, and so what I’ll end up doing is I’m going to move some of my fields from my main subtab onto basic information. So, I’ll choose move elements between subtabs, and this is specific to the form that we’re working on, we can actually see that up here in the name, which is Test Customer Form. But I may decide that some of this information, such as primary subsidiary, address, fax, home phone, mobile phone, as examples, that I want these to actually be moved to the basic information subtab, so I’ll go ahead and pick basic information for all of those. I could choose save and this would drop me back to customizing the form, but I’m actually going to choose save and move more, because I want to talk about some more things here where we can move elements between subtabs. So right now I'm looking at fields, but I could also move the list elements between subtabs if I wanted to. Basically the way this works is if I come back to fields, you can see I was working on the main subtab. We also basic information, relationships, sales, marketing, and these also go in the order that we were working in. Now one of the things that we could do, if we wanted to move a lot of these, and this is actually how I started it, but not quite how I finished it, is we could check a few of these boxes and then choose that we want to move all of these to basic information. So I’ll go ahead and choose that and apply and you can see it moves that over there, and then we can choose save to this as well now. I’m going to go ahead and just choose save here, and this drops us back to where we’re editing our custom form. But before we go any further what I also want to do, is I want to come back over here to our customer and I want refresh this so we can take a look at the changes we’ve made. So one of the things is that relationships which used to be our first tab is now our second tab and basic information is now our first tab. Now I have seen a lot of companies use this, where they will take some of this primary information put it down here onto a subtab, so they're essentially not hidden below the first page of the browser, they’re easy to see. And you can see because I have a somewhat low screen resolution, as well as my top fields being in one column, my subtabs don't actually show up until we scroll down. The last thing I want us to take a look at, in customizing the test customer form, is sublists. Now in some ways these are kind of similar to subtabs and much like everything else we were looking at, you can rename these or move them, in this case there’s only one, but if there's more than one you can move them. And one of the other things you can do is select the should never be empty. So as an example I could just contacts should never be empty. And what this would do is, if we were entering a customer record, before we were able to save it we would actually have to come over to relationships, and we would have to add a contact. Now this is not asterisked because of what I just did, this actually has an asterisk beside it because you have to have a name for the contact. But we could also make it so that you have to have an actual contact before you can even save the record, and of course we can do this not just with contacts, but with really any sublist. So there are places where it could be useful, sales as an example, we could say hey we have to have an opportunity before we’re going to save the record. There are different places where this could be useful and I think you can probably think of some in your own organization
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