QuickView and Admin Settings

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This video picks up where we left off in the last video, and if you're following along and need to get back here, you can come up to Customization, Forms, and Entry Forms and then pick the form that you're working with. The next subtab that I want us to take a look at is the QuickView subtab, and here we have all the fields that we’ll see, if we take a quick view of our customer. Now, you might not immediately be familiar with what a quick view is, but if I go ahead and open up an existing sales order I think this'll make a lot more sense. So I’m going to go ahead and right click, and open this sales order in a new tab, and then if we come over to the sales order, in view mode, one of the things that we can do is hover over the customer. And if we hover over for a moment, we get a pop-up that shows some customer information, including the customer ID, the sales rep, web address, email, and phone number, and this is the quick view. So if we go back and take a look at our entry form, you'll notice we have the Name/ID, sales rep, web address, email, and phone number, the same information that we had on the sales order. So that can be kind of helpful if you're looking for some specific information, and this is just one of the little ways that you can make changes that make the system quite a bit more useful for your employees, and other end users. I’ll go ahead and close this sales order now, since we don't need that anymore. Now just like most of the other places where we were customizing this form, we can add fields or remove fields. So I could come down here and add the consolidated unbilled orders, or credit hold, or anything like that. And most of the fields are listed here, not everything is listed, but there's a lot. Or if we decided we didn't want one, so maybe we didn't need the sales rep, we could just click the X and that would go away. We can also reorder the way that these show up, again the same as we did with the others, by holding down and clicking on the dominoes, and dragging them up or down, or by using the buttons such as move up, move down, move to top, and move to bottom. It should all seem pretty much standard, because it is, which makes it fairly easy to actually customize forms, once you know what each piece does. We can come over here to actions, and in any form we have action buttons, and typically an action menu as well. We can even see this in this form, so the save button, cancel, reset, these are our action buttons. We have these for our customers, we have these for our sales orders, pretty much any form we’re going to enter data in, in NetSuite. Of course this right here only affects the customer form that we’re working on right now. Now one of the things we can't do with these actions, is rearrange them. So there’s actually no way for me to grab this, and move it up or down. You can see it just kind of selects other things.And so it’s not a matter of clicking in the right place, it just actually doesn't move, there's no way to change these, at least there's no way within this form customizer. You can actually use CSS or SuiteScript, but that's somewhat advanced, and we’re not going to talk about that here. Now what we can do, is we can rename these. So I could change Accept Payment to just Payment or Accept, or I could change Delete to Remove Customer, or something like that, and I could make these say whatever makes sense for my business. In addition to renaming these, another thing we can do is to hide them, so we could, for example, hide the Delete button, if we didn't want people to delete our customers. Now I do want to be clear this is not security, so unchecking this delete button does make it more difficult to delete a customer, but it doesn't make it impossible. If you don't want somebody to delete a customer, you actually need to change their permissions, or their role permissions, and that would be done and user management. We can also do things like determine if we want this to display in the menu, or as a button action. So the difference is that these down here are button actions, whereas this is a menu. Of course for some of them, we actually can't entirely change how they display, so Save & New, Save & Next, and Save As, are always going to display under Save. And you may notice that there are actually a lot more actions than we saw when we looked at the customer. So if we come over and take a look at the customer form, one of the things you'll notice is we have Save, Cancel and Reset, but we actually don't have anything other than that. So coming back over here, we do see Save, we actually don't see Cancel and Reset, that's because these can't really be edited anyway, but we also don't see things like Show Activity or Search. And the reason that we don't see these is because whether these show up or not is context sensitive. So if we’re creating a new customer there will be certain buttons that show up, if we’re editing an existing customer there will be a different set of buttons, and if we’re viewing a customer there is yet another set of buttons. And for these standard buttons that come with NetSuite, we actually can’t control this anyway. Now we can put our own custom buttons in, and we do that by coming over here to custom actions, and from here we could type in a new custom button name. So we could type in Test Button, and then we would choose a function that would apply to this button. And we could choose to display this as a button, or as a menu item. But this function would actually be related to SuiteScript code that you would deploy. So if we wanted to do that, we could actually deploy that over hear in custom code, of course we’d click add first, but I'm not going to do that right now, because I don't have a function. So in custom code, we could actually choose a script file that we have inside of NetSuite. We could say hey we want this script to apply here and we’d have to fill out some information about it to actually make it work. But if you've written a script that you want to use in this form, then anything that you have as a function you could actually have that operate as a button. So in other words when somebody clicks that button, that function that you have defined inside of your SuiteScript, which is just a JavaScript file, would actually fire and run, so that’s a client side script. So some things you could actually do with this, potentially validation checks, or going out to another system and pulling data, or something along those lines. There’s a lot of things you actually do, with client-side scripts. You could maybe change everything to uppercase, or lowercase, or any number of other actions. The last two tabs we have, are roles and history. So if we come over to roles, right now this is the preferred form and this is actually the preferred form for everyone in the system, or at least everyone who doesn't have a different preferred form. But what we could do, is we could deselect this, and say okay the form’s actually not preferred, however for our inside salespeople, maybe this is the preferred form, and potentially our VP of sales, and any other roles. So we could actually assign forms based just on specific roles, and you can see all the roles that we have down here, and in a lot of cases this is actually how form customizations are done. So you might have four or five different customer forms or four or five different sales order forms, and they would be assigned to different departments. You’d have one that’s kind of your standard form of last resort, but then you'd also have others that may be assigned to a sales department or to marketing department. Now this isn’t actually the only place we can assign a form to specific roles, we could do that at the user or role level as well. For example if we went to Setup, Users/Roles, there are places in here where we can actually manage what forms are preferred for specific users or specific roles. The last tab we have over here is History. In the history tab we can actually see any changes that were made to our form, ao we can see when this originally was created, as well as when it was changed. So we can see all the changes that we made, while we were creating this training, though it doesn’t necessarily tell us what the changes were. This is useful however if we figure out that something isn't quite working right, and we want to see how it used to work, we can actually come in here, and look and see, hey was this recently changed. So that's pretty much it for custom entry and custom entity forms, however there is more that goes into things like CRM forms, and transaction forms, and we’re going to cover all those differences in a few more videos.
Lesson tags: Full Access
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